8:30 - 9:00 doors open, coffee 9:00 - 10:30 data rescue panel 10:30 - 11:00 orientation for break out sessions, move into rooms 11:00 - 12:00 break out session group introductions; start working 12:00 - 12:30 lunch break 12:30 - 3:00 group work 3:00 - 4:00 reconvene for presentations SESSION DESCRIPTIONS Citizen Data Advocacy, or An Intervention Toolkit for Those Who Care About Facts and Data This workshop will explore and identify allies in data collection and archiving, review tried and tested methods for advocating the issue with your elected officials, present templates (email, telephone, and letter) for contacting representatives, and, time permitting, write emails and letters to identified local (municipal and county), state, and regional representatives, as well as other allies. Protecting Climate Data Over the Long Haul - A Research Agenda This workshop will draft a proposal for carrying out climate data protection and archiving research over the challenging years to come. The outcomes from this workshop will be used to generate an ongoing agenda that we hope to incorporate as part of the Environmental Data Governance Initiative (EDGI), an international network of academics and non-profits that believes in evidence-based policy making and public interest science. EDGI projects work to proactively archive public environmental data, as well as track and respond to the undermining of evidence-based environmental governance in the United States. Best Practices for Archiving Scientific Data DataRescue and Archive-a-thon This hands-on workshop will employ web harvesting as well as other methods to target data at special risk. We invite participants with all skill levels for activities including seeding and scraping the End of Term Harvest Project; downloading, describing, and uploading datasets; creating chain-of-custody between datasets and related website assets; and designing new tools to make web scraping and archiving for this project easier. |